Dentistry is a rapidly changing, expanding profession. The scope of a dentist’s work is much broader today than ever before, and continues to grow.
- Four year degree. This does not include the three years of university level studies required prior to admission to the program.
- Full-time program
- You cannot begin this program directly from high school
What you will learn
You will learn to perform a wide variety of procedures and functions including prevention/public education, detection and management of oral conditions, esthetic improvement, restoration, correction, reconstruction and surgery.
Year 1
Principles and Practice of Dentistry, Operative Dentistry I, Dental Materials, Dental Anatomy and Morphology, Occlusion, Oral Microbiology Immunology and Physiology, Principles of Biomedical Science for Dentistry Students.
Year 2
Oral Radiology I, Human Oral Infectious Diseases, Communication Skills I, Orthodontics I, Periodontics I, Operative Dentistry II, Pedodontics I, Removeable Prosthodontics II, Fixed Prosthodontics I, Diagnosis I, Local Anaesthesia, Endodontics II, Infection Control in Dentistry, Pharmacology.
Year 3
Oral Radiology II, Communication Skills II, Orthodontics II, Periodontics II, Operative Dentistry III, Pedodontics II, Removeable Prosthodontics III, Fixed Prosthodontics II, Diagnosis II, Basics Internal Medicine, Endodontics III, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery I, Hospital Rosters, Implant Prosthodontics I, Oral Pathology.
Year 4
Oral Radiology, Orthodontics, Pedodontics III, Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery II, Dental Practice Management, Clinical Comprehensive Care
The Course and Program Catalogue has the complete and official listing of required classes and their descriptions for this program.
Why study here?

Reputation and accreditation
The college is fully accredited by the Canadian Dental Association, and is recognized by the American Dental Association. Graduates who successfully complete the Doctor of Dental Medicine degree are eligible to take all North American board exams.

Hands-on and clinical experience
Early in the program, you will learn basic dental procedures and current techniques in a pre-clinical teaching area that includes a state-of-the-art clinic simulation facility.
During the clinical training phase of the program, when you are a senior student, you will provide direct patient care through the Student Dental Clinic that accommodates over 10,000 visits every year.
Most dentistry graduates go into private practice but opportunities also exist in teaching and research, careers with government agencies or in industry.
- Private practice - A large majority of dentistry graduates go into private practice, either solo or in partnerships with other dentists, allowing a great deal of professional flexibility
- Academic dentistry - A career in academic dentistry career combines teaching, research, community service and patient care. Faculty members work in an intellectually stimulating academic environment.
- Public health dentistry - This career focuses on community settings rather than private practice. Promoting dental health, developing health policy and preventing disease are the major roles of a public health dentist.
- International health care - Dentists provide services to populations abroad and work for such agencies as the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
- Research - Research careers offer opportunities to contribute to advancements in dentistry that ultimately impact patient care.
Tuition estimates
As a guideline, below are the estimated expenses for students registered in Year 1 of the DMD program. Please note these are estimates only (2024-2025 rates) and subject to change from year to year.
Annual fees | Year 1 | Year 1 Out of province |
Year 1 International |
Tuition | $42,563 | $63,845 | $127,689 |
Program fee | $9,360 | $9,360 | $9,360 |
Student fees | $1,121 | $1,121 | $1,121 |
Equipment rental | $6,150 | $6,150 | $6,150 |
Total | $59,194 | $80,476 | $144,320 |
International Dental Degree Program
If you have already completed a dentistry degree from an academic institution not recognized by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada (CDAC), you may be interested in our International Dental Degree Program, which will allow you to complete a Canadian Doctor of Dental Medicine in two years.
Preparing for Dentistry
Although we have staff available to assist applicants who seek counsel regarding admission to the College of Dentistry, it is the college’s policy not to instruct applicants as to a specific course of action they should follow, but rather provide the information needed for applicants to make their own choice with respect to the alternatives available.
Potential applicants should note:
- Admission is determined by the Admissions Committee on the basis of an annual competition.
- There is no provision for considering or accepting transfer applicants.
- Applications from international students are no longer accepted.
In addition to completing the required pre-dentistry courses, applicants must be working towards an undergraduate degree and choose courses that meet the requirements of the degree. This will ensure alternate career choices if dentistry is no longer a viable option. It is recommended that applicants pursue a degree in the life sciences or health studies.
Admission requirements
Required pre-dentistry courses
Course | Credit units | Equivalent USask courses* |
General Biology | 6 credit units | BIOL 120 & BIOL 121 |
General Chemistry | 3 credit units | CHEM 112 |
Organic Chemistry | 3 credit units | CHEM 250 |
General Physics | 3 credit units | PHYS 115 |
Biomolecules Biochemistry | 3 credit units | BMSC 200 |
Metabolism Biochemistry | 3 credit units | BMSC 230 |
Human Physiology | 6 credit units | BMSC 207 & BMSC 208 |
Microbiology | 3 credit units | BMSC 210 |
Basic Nutrition | 3 credit units | NUTR 120 |
Social Sciences / Humanities | 6 credit units |
*Please note these are examples and there may be other courses equivalent.
Scheduling pre-dentistry courses
Applicants may schedule their pre-dentistry courses as they wish (i.e. in the summer) provided a 30-credit unit course load is maintained per academic year. All pre-dentistry course work must be completed by April of the year in which admission is being sought.
Pre-dentistry overall average below 70%
If the pre-dentistry overall average is below 70%, students may improve their average by taking approved higher-level courses, which must be completed no later than the end of the previous academic year prior to application. Approved courses are higher-level courses that have the applicable pre-dentistry courses as a prerequisite.
Course equivalents for pre-dentistry courses completed outside of Saskatchewan
Applicants whose pre-dental education was completed outside of Saskatchewan are eligible for consideration provided they have completed the equivalent of the listed required pre-dentistry courses. View a list of course equivalents. A course syllabus which includes a course description, list of course topics, list of assessments, and required texts/readings may be required to determine equivalency.
Eligibility requirements
1. Academic requirements
- Completion of THREE (3) 30 credit-unit academic years of university level course work towards the requirements of an undergraduate degree. An academic year is defined as TWO standard academic terms consisting of eight (8) consecutive months (September – April). Pending approval, the College of Dentistry is seeking to add a requirement for the 2026–2027 intake which requires that a majority of the credits (>15) within the two best 30 credit-unit years be in natural or health sciences.
- A cumulative weighted average of 75% over the TWO best academic years of study.
- Completion of 39 credit units of required pre-dentistry courses with a minimum overall average of 70%.
Applicants must maintain BOTH of the following conditions for any course work during the year of application: a minimum overall academic average of at least 75% AND a minimum 70% average on any pre-requisite course.
2. Dental Aptitude Test
All applicants are required to take the Dental Aptitude Test (DAT) administered by the Canadian Dental Association.
- Results are valid for a period of three (3) years up to November of the year of application. Valid DAT scores for 2025-2026 include the period of Feb. 1, 2022 to Nov. 30, 2024.
- If an applicant has taken the DAT more than once, the single best overall score will be used.
Applicants must achieve the following in their best DAT score:
- A minimum Academic Average score of 15 and
- A minimum Perceptual Ability score of 14 and
- A minimum Reading Comprehension score of 14
Over the past three years, the minimum accepted DAT averages for applicants considered for an interview were as follows:
- Saskatchewan residents: 17.66 (2024), 16.66 (2023), 17.66 (2022)
- Out of Province applicants: 19.33 (2024), 20.00 (2023), 17.66 (2022)
3. Interview
All eligible applicants seeking admission are required to interview as part of the selection process. Interviews are granted based on the academic average of the applicant's TWO best years and the best overall DAT score. Courses taken during the application year will NOT be included in academic average calculation.
The interview is conducted using the multiple mini interview (MMI) format. The MMI exposes applicants to a series of stations each 10 minutes in length. Applicants are provided with a question at each station and given two minutes to read the question and prepare an answer. After two minutes, the applicant discusses their response with the interviewer for eight minutes before moving on to the next station.
4. English language proficiency
Applicants whose primary language is not English must present evidence of proficiency in English.
5. Criminal record check
Self-declaration of an adult criminal record is required of all applicants on the application form. Applicants accepted into the program are required to complete and submit a Criminal Record Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening after the date of offer and no later than orientation date. There are currently some Canadian provinces that will not license a dentist to practice if they have a criminal record. Applicants are encouraged to contact the respective provincial dental association for further information.
6. Immunization requirements
Successful applicants must comply with the University of Saskatchewan's policy on immunization, which states that all students attending a Health Science College must provide documented proof of immunization. Immunization records for accepted applicants must be received by the date stated in the letter of offer.
It is the duty of the Admissions Committee to select applicants that have the ability to succeed in the program. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to review the applicant’s entire application submission, including all written/verbal communication with the College of Dentistry, and to deny entry to applicants whose academic background or history indicates unsuitability for a career in Dentistry. Common reasons for the Admissions Committee to invalidate an application include evidence of inability to understand and utilize instruction received in written and oral format, academic misconduct, misrepresentation on the application, prior criminal behavior and unprofessional comments and/or behavior during the applicant’s attendance at the MMI or elsewhere. If one or more issues is found in an applicant’s file, the Admissions Committee retains the right to actively seek further relevant information about the applicant, including, but not limited to, information from educational institutions attended related to academic or non-academic misconduct resulting in disciplinary action . By submitting an application, applicants consent to the collection of any such supplemental information.
Applicants must meet the Eligibility Requirements listed above.
In addition to completing the required pre-dentistry courses, applicants must be working towards an undergraduate degree and choose courses that meet the requirements of the degree. This will ensure alternate career choices if dentistry is no longer a viable option. It is recommended that applicants pursue a degree in the natural sciences.
1. Academic Average (65% Overall Weighting)
The full weighting of 65% is given to the cumulative weighted average of the TWO (2) best academic years of study. Each academic year must have no fewer than 30 credit units of university level course work. Applicants must have achieved a minimum cumulative weighted average of 75% over their TWO best academic years of study and must maintain an average of 75% in their current year of study. Courses taken during the application year will NOT be included in the academic average calculation.
However, applicants must maintain BOTH of the following conditions for any course work during the year of application:
- A minimum overall academic average of at least 75% AND
- A minimum 70% average on any pre-requisite courses
Applicants will not be considered if they have not met the minimum number of credit units or the minimum cumulative weighted average. Please note that a minimum cumulative weighted average of 75% does not guarantee admission.
2. Dental Aptitude Test (15% Overall Weighting)
The applicable scores from the DAT will be earned on:
- Reading Comprehension – 1/3
- Perceptual Ability – 1/3
- Academic Average – 1/3
Applicants will not be considered if they have not met the minimum DAT requirements stated in the Eligibility Requirements listed above.
3. Interview (20% Overall Weighting)
A personal interview is required of all competitive applicants annually. Interview selection is based on academic average of the TWO best academic years of study and the single best overall DAT score.
Interviews for admission are held in March each year. Applicants selected to interview will be contacted via email by early March.
Applicants offered interviews should note that interviews are scheduled only once per year. Rescheduling, regardless of the reason, cannot be accommodated.
Applicants not selected to interview will not be re-evaluated for final selection in the current year. Interview scores will not be released to applicants and specific feedback will not be provided.
Candidates may be disqualified from the admission competition for the year under consideration if their interview score is significantly below the mean of the current pool of candidates.
4. Computer-based Assessment for Sampling Personal characteristics (Casper®)
The College of Dentistry is piloting the use of an online assessment tool, Casper to enhance the selection process. All applicants are required to successfully complete the Casper test in order to be eligible for admission.
*Please note: For the 2025-2026 admissions cycle, Casper results will not be used in the selection process. While Casper is being piloted, results are for data collection purposes only.
Casper is an online situational judgement test used by the College of Dentistry to assist in the assessment of applicants for non-academic attributes or people skills. Assessment of these non-cognitive skills and interpersonal characteristics are extremely important for students to be successful in the DMD program and as practising dentists and will complement the tools already being used to assess admission eligibility.
The Casper test is comprised on 12 sections of video and written scenarios. Following, each scenario, applicants are required to answer a set of probing questions under a time contract. The test typically takes between 75-90 minutes to complete. Each response is graded by a different rater, giving a very robust and reliable view of personal and professional characteristics important to our program.
In order to complete the Casper test, applicants are responsible for ensuring they have access to a computer with audio and video capabilities and a reliable internet connection on the selected test date. No exceptions will be made for applicants unable to complete Casper online for any reason.
Applicants must register for the Canadian Professional Health Sciences test (CSP-10211) on the website at acuityinsights.app and reserve a test using one piece of government-issued photo ID. Upon registering, applicants will be provided with a limited number of testing dates. Please note that these are the only testing dates available for your Casper test. There will be no additional tests scheduled. Please use an email address you check regularly; there may be updates to the test schedule.
Acceptable dates for the 2025–2026 application: July 21, 2024 to Dec. 5, 2024.
Please direct any inquiries on the test to support@takecasper.com.
Casper test results are valid for one admissions cycle. Applicants must re-take the test for each admission cycle.
Categories of applicants
The College of Dentistry admits 36 students to the program each year. Applicants must designate their category on the online application form.
To be eligible as a Saskatchewan resident, applicants must have resided in Saskatchewan for at least FOUR years immediately prior to September 1 of the year admission is being sought. For 2025–2026, applicants must have resided in Saskatchewan since Sept. 1, 2021. Applicants who have left the province, but previously lived in Saskatchewan for an accumulated period of 15 years (permanent residency), will be considered residents. Applicants who have previously lived in Saskatchewan for an accumulated period of less than 15 years and who do not qualify under the four-year requirement will receive credit of one year toward the four-year requirement for every four years of residency in the province. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to the four-year Saskatchewan residency rule.
In order to support a claim as a resident of Saskatchewan, the following proof and circumstances will be taken into account:
- Date of issue of your Saskatchewan Health Card1 and either the date of issue of your Saskatchewan Drivers' License2 or Saskatchewan Income Tax Forms confirming taxes paid in Saskatchewan.
- Applicants who have completed four years of full-time study at a Saskatchewan post-secondary institution immediately prior to the year admission is being sought are considered Saskatchewan residents. Official transcripts must be submitted by the document deadline to support this claim.
- Reasons for any break in continuity of residence, which includes attendance at an out-of-province educational institution, summer employment where applicable and any other reason deemed to be relevant
- Saskatchewan high school transcript (if you are NOT currently registered at the University of Saskatchewan) or
- Resident of the Yukon, Northwest or Nunavut Territories.
1. If the date of issue of your Saskatchewan Health Card is newer than the original date of issue, a letter from Saskatchewan Health confirming the date of issue is required.
2. If the date of issue of your Saskatchewan Drivers' License is newer than the original date of issue, a Drivers Abstract is required.
As of the 2025 application intake, College of Dentistry, USask will no longer accept applications from Canadian citizens or Canadian Permanent Residents through ADEA AADSAS. All Canadian citizens and Canadian Permanent Residents must apply through the USask application portal.
Applicants are required to complete courses equivalent to those listed for required pre-dentistry courses listed above. Equivalent course work will be evaluated based upon submission of official transcripts.
For Indigenous applicants applying to any categories above:
The University of Saskatchewan (USask) is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion, and proud to support academic opportunities for Indigenous students. We continue to grow our partnerships with Indigenous communities across the province, nationally and internationally and value the unique perspective that Indigenous students provide to strengthen these relationships. Verification of Indigenous membership/citizenship at USask is led and determined by the deybwewin | taapwaywin | tapewin: Indigenous Truth policy and Standing Committee in accordance with the processes developed to enact the policy.
This program has seats designated for Indigenous candidates and verification of Indigenous membership/citizenship with documentation is required if you wish to be considered for one of these seats.
Please visit the Indigenous Membership/Citizenship Verification channel in PAWS and proceed through the verification system.
You can learn more about learn more about deybwewin | taapwaywin | tapwewin at indigenous.usask.ca. If you have any questions or require additional information about deybwewin | taapwaywin | tapwewin please contact: indigenoustruthpolicy@usask.ca.
The College of Dentistry may consider students with special circumstances with regard to any of the three 30-credit unit years of study, such that one or all years may have been completed over twelve (12) consecutive months as part of a program requirement. All ‘special case’ applicants will be considered by the Admissions Committee and they will compete with other applicants in the general pool of candidates. Special case applicants that have met ALL other requirements must submit a letter to support their application explaining their special circumstances.
The College of Dentistry has no provision for special cases pertaining to the academic or residency requirements and letters will NOT be considered.
There is no provision for accepting transfer students into the DMD program at this time.
As of the 2025 application intake, College of Dentistry, USask will no longer accept applications from Canadian citizens or Canadian Permanent Residents through ADEA AADSAS. All Canadian citizens and Canadian Permanent Residents must apply through the USask application portal.
To facilitate qualified applicants from the United States, the College of Dentistry has joined the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) and its Associated American Dental Schools Application Service (AADSAS). This system will allow qualified applicants to complete an application and submit their required documents for admission to the College of Dentistry at the University of Saskatchewan as well as other member institutions in Canada and all dental schools in the United States except Texas. If you wish to apply through AADSAS, please visit the link below:
As of the 2025 application intake, College of Dentistry, USask will no longer accept applications from Canadian citizens or Canadian Permanent Residents through ADEA AADSAS. All Canadian citizens and Canadian Permanent Residents must apply through the USask application portal.
The College of Dentistry accepts online applications only. The online application is available August 1–December 1 each year.
Application fee
A non-refundable application fee in the amount of $200 CAD is required and MUST be paid online via credit card at the time the application is submitted. The application fee may be paid by Visa or MasterCard.
How to apply
Be sure to read the complete admissions guide before you begin your application.
If you have any issues with the online application process, consult the application guide.
Required documentation
Applications are not complete until ALL required documents are received. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all required documentation is received. Applicants can check the status of their application online by logging in to their application. Please ensure that the Admissions Office, College of Dentistry has a current address, telephone number, and email address.
Please refer directly to specific policies when confirming required documentation.
All of the following required documentation must be received no later than December 15:
1. Completed online application with payment of $200 CAD application fee
2. One set of official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended other than the University of Saskatchewan (including distance education classes) forwarded DIRECTLY from the appropriate institution(s) to:
105 Wiggins Rd
College of Dentistry
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E4
- Applicants who previously or are currently attending the University of Saskatchewan are not required to submit official transcripts as their official record resides with this institution.
- Transcripts issued directly to students or photocopies are not acceptable.
- Final marks for all course work completed during the year of application, including all deferred examinations, MUST be reported on this transcript.
- If transcripts/documents are in a language other than English, submit an official notarized, word for word, English translation together with original documents. Calendars and/or course descriptions covering the completed courses must also be submitted.
- Previous applicants should know that transcripts are kept on file for up to 2 years. Updated transcripts must be requested if there is continued attendance at any institution since the last application.
3. Official DAT report of your best overall DAT score within the last 3 years (no older than February 2022 for the 2025–2026 application cycle).
- November 2024 DAT scores are due as soon as they become available available (please note this may be after the December 15 document deadline).
- If re-applying for admission, DAT scores already submitted do not need to be re-submitted.
Send DAT scores and required proofs to:
Admissions, College of Dentistry
University of Saskatchewan
105 Wiggins Road
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E4
4. Official Casper test scores
Official Casper test scores are sent directly to University of Saskatchewan.
5. The following supporting documents (if applicable):
- Proof that you have resided in Saskatchewan for at least 4 years immediately prior to September 1 of the year in which admission is being sought
- Verification of Indigenous membership/citizenship in accordance with the processes developed to enact the deybwewin | taapwaywin | tapewin: Indigenous Truth policy.
- Proof of permanent residence
- Proof of English proficiency
- Confirmation of enrolment if you are currently enrolled in any required pre-requisite courses in Term 1 of the year of application. If you are completing required prerequisite courses in Term 2 of the year of application, confirmation of enrolment must be submitted by February 1.
After applying
Applicants will be informed in writing, via email, of their application status by mid-April. To accept an offer of admission, applicants must pay a non-refundable deposit of 15% of tuition by the deadline stated in the offer letter. The deposit will be applied towards tuition fees at the time of registration. Applicants who withdraw their admission acceptance after paying the fee forfeit the deposit.
If offered admission, applicants are required to submit the following documentation to:
Admissions, College of Dentistry
University of Saskatchewan
105 Wiggins Road
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E4
- ONE set of official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended other than the University of Saskatchewan forwarded DIRECTLY from the appropriate institution(s) due no later than June 5.
Final marks for all course work completed during the year of application, including all deferred examinations, MUST be reported on this transcript.
All offers of admission are conditional upon the successful applicant maintaining BOTH of the following conditions for any course work during the year of application:
- A minimum overall academic average of at least 75% AND
- A minimum 70% average on any pre-requisite courses
- Criminal Record Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening due no later than August 1.
The Criminal Record Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening must be completed AFTER the date of the offer of admission. - Successful applicants must purchase any dental equipment supported by the College of Dentistry.
College info

The Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree in dentistry is offered by the University of Saskatchewan's College of Dentistry.
The College of Dentistry is a dynamic college with a reputation for excellence in both teaching and research. Established in 1965, the College of Dentistry was the first institution in the province of Saskatchewan to offer a fully accredited dental program. The college strives to serve as a leader in innovative scholarly pursuits, research, interdisciplinary collaboration, community outreach and engagement.
Related programs
If you are looking for graduate level programs (Master's and PhDs,) please consult our graduate students' website.
Email: dentistry.admissions@usask.ca
Admissions, College of Dentistry
University of Saskatchewan
105 Wiggins Road
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E4