Study the histories of the visual arts which include photography, sculpture, painting, architecture, video, performances, installation, film, and digital imaging, among other media.
- Three or four year degree
- Full or part-time program
- You can enter this program directly from high school
- You can begin this program off-campus
What you will learn

In addition to studying more traditional art history such as Renaissance and Baroque art you will be exposed to such areas as First People's Art History; Postcolonial Issues in Contemporary Canadian Art; Art of the Internet; Contemporary Performance Art Theory and Praxis; and Studies in Visual Culture. You will learn how visual forms from painting to film to the Internet and popular media, produce meaning in contemporary everyday life.
A first-year schedule sample
This degree program is flexible and offers you the opportunity to take courses in many different subject areas. Here’s what a typical first-year schedule might look like:
Course | Description |
Fall Term |
ARTH 120a | Art and Visual Culture I |
HIST 195c | History Matters Indigenous Perspectives on Canadian History |
ENG 114b | Literature and Composition Reading Culture |
ART 110a | Art Today Ideas and Practices |
ANTH 111e | One World Many Peoples Introduction to Cultural Anthropology |
Winter Term |
ARTH 121a | Art and Visual Culture II |
DRAM 110e | Technical Theatre I Scenic Construction |
MATH 101d | Calculus I |
ART 136a | Extended Media I Foundation |
SPAN 114e | Elementary Spanish I |
a Required or eligible course for the major
b One of the course options to complete the English Language Writing Requirement
c One of the course options to complete the Indigenous Learning Requirement
d One of the course options to complete the Quantitative Reasoning Requirement
e One of the course options which may be used in the Breadth, Cognate, and/or Electives Requirements
The Course and Program Catalogue has the complete and official listing of required classes and their descriptions for this program.
- ARTH 260: History and Theory of European Architecture 1400 to 1700
An introduction to the architecture of the European states and their colonies 1400 to 1700. The institutional, geographic and social locations of architectural production will be studied. Issues of power, nationalism, and class will be examined.
- ARTH 309: Art of Late Renaissance 1550 to 1600
Artistic trends in the second half of the 16th century will be considered in the context of the Council of Trent; special emphasis will be placed upon Late Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese, and the painters of the Medicean Studiolo. - ARTH 418: Studies in Contemporary Art
A survey of contemporary international art which includes film, video, performance, as well as more traditional media.
Study abroad
You can take advantage of our unique study abroad opportunities and sign up for international art courses in Europe or Japan.
Our faculty offer distinguished research, dynamic art, experimental teaching methods and community involvement.
Unique opportunities
We offer a Visiting Artist Program where nationally and internationally renowned artists and lecturers conduct artist talks, seminars, workshops and studio visits.
You will be prepared for rewarding careers in both traditional and modern fields of art and art history.
- Museum/gallery curator or director
- Estate appraiser
- Art buyer/consultant
- Art therapist
- Art educator
- Arts writer
- Art critic
- Art/cultural historian/theorist
- Arts administrator
- Restoration specialist
- Visual and design assistant
Tuition estimates
Canadian students | International students | |
Tuition | $7,547 | $36,528 |
Student fees | $1,121 | $1,121 |
Books | $1,500 | $1,500 |
Total | $10,168 | $39,149 |
Tuition will vary depending on the type and number of classes you take in a year. This estimate reflects a typical amount you could expect to pay in your first year if you enroll in a full course load, the maximum number of courses allowed (2024-2025 Canadian dollar rates).
Student fees are used to fund specific student benefits, including health, vision and dental coverage, a bus pass, recreational programs and fitness centre access.
The cost of books and supplies varies widely depending on the courses you choose. It is recommended that you budget between $1,500-$2,500 per year.
Program options

These Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Art History degrees are offered by the University of Saskatchewan's College of Arts and Science:
- Bachelor of Arts Four-year
- Bachelor of Arts Three-year
- Bachelor of Arts Honours
- Bachelor of Arts Double Honours
You should consult with an academic advisor in the college when you begin your studies to decide if you want a four-year, three-year or honours degree.
Ready to apply?
Create an admissions account and start your application today. When you are ready to submit your application, you will be assessed a non-refundable application fee of $120 CAD.
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