Since 1980, we have offered English language programs for students planning to start a degree at USask and the broader community.
English for Academic Purposes

We offer full-time English preparation for students who intend to enter a degree program at the University of Saskatchewan but do not meet the English language proficiency requirement.
Undergraduate students (bachelor's)
You can apply for joint admission to the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program and your university degree program. Once you finish the highest level, you can start your degree program in the next available term.
Language Centre programs are offered both in-person and online. On-campus, face-to-face classes and activities will be offered alongside online classes and student activities. This gives students like you more flexibility to arrange your study and travel plans and avoid any delays to your training here at USask. If you have questions, reach out to the USask Language Centre at uslc.registration@usask.ca.
Full-time English
There are three terms and three intakes to the English for Academic Purposes program each year. There are two application types used for admission to the EAP program.
- Select the application form for joint admission if you are also applying for an undergraduate degree program.
- If you wish to study English only, or are applying for a Master's degree or PhD program through the College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, select the EAP only application form.
Part-time ESL
This program is for students already attending the university or community members who would like to improve their English. These evening classes teach you academic writing in addition to spoken English skills. Bursaries are available for graduate students.
Short-term programs

For over twenty years, we have provided special programming for educational partners from countries such as China, India, Japan, Mexico, Chile, and Korea. Programming is delivered in partnership with University of Saskatchewan (USask) faculty, and other schools, universities, companies and organizations throughout the year. Each program is specifically designed to facilitate professional or academic interest experiences and can include English language improvement classes.
Language Centre Main Office
Email: uslc.reception@usask.ca
Telephone: (+1) 306-966-4351