
Our MD program is designed to ensure that participants graduate with a common foundation of knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes. This general professional education prepares graduates for subsequent education in primary or specialty care areas.

Quick facts
  • 4 year degree. This does not include the 4 year bachelor's degree required prior to admission to the program. 
  • Full-time program
  • You cannot begin this program directly from high school

What you will learn

The undergraduate medical education program in the College of Medicine is a four-year program leading to the Medical Doctor (MD) degree. Upon earning the MD degree, students are then eligible to apply for postgraduate training in the discipline of their choice.

Years one and two

The first two years of medical education are called pre-clerkship. Students learn basic sciences and how to apply that learning in clinical conditions. They learn how to take medical histories and perform physical exams, first on standardized patients and then on real patients. At the same time, they are introduced to the factors that can affect both people's health and how they function in society. Students have the opportunity to participate in research and earn Global Health Certification.

Years three and four

After pre-clerkship comes clerkship. During year three, which is the first year of clerkship, students put into practice what they have already learned. They participate in clinical rotations and provide patient care both in hospital and in outpatient clinics. Clinical experiences occur not only in Saskatoon, Regina and Prince Albert, but also in rural and remote communities throughout Saskatchewan. In year four, students have further opportunities to experience different fields of medicine by participating in electives in Saskatchewan and at other medical schools throughout Canada. This prepares them for choosing a residency program at the end of year four.

The Course and Program Catalogue has the complete and official listing of required classes and their descriptions for this program.

Why study here?

Saskatoon campus:
Health Sciences Building, University of Saskatchewan

Our Saskatoon campus is in the Health Sciences Building at the University of Saskatchewan. This state of the-art, integrated facility supports and enables collaboration among students, faculty and researchers in all health science disciplines. The building is home to the Leslie and Irene Dubé Health Sciences Library, technology-equipped lecture theatres, classrooms and research laboratories, meeting and breakout rooms, and study and lounge spaces. It also includes the Clinical Learning Resource Centre, a simulation facility for health sciences students. Students also gain experience at Saskatoon's three hospitals.

Regina campus:
Regina General Hospital

Our Regina campus is in the Regina General Hospital with access to hands-on learning and close proximity to the medical community. Residents, in addition to junior and senior medical students, are nearby and there is a low student-to-preceptor ratio. The campus is home to the Health Sciences Learning Centre, Health Sciences Library, technology-equipped classrooms, breakout rooms, study spaces, a student lounge and clinical exam rooms. It is also home to the Dilawri Simulation Centre, a state-of-the-art facility for students to practice medical situations. Students also gain experience at Wascana Rehabilitation Centre and Pasqua Hospital.

Excellence in care

The College of Medicine is committed to incorporating social accountability to direct its clinical activity, advocacy, research and education (CARE) and training activities towards the priority health concerns of local, regional, national and international communities. The college supports a number of programs and initiatives that address community health needs, including Indigenous health, primary health care, urban and rural underserved areas, gender and equity, eco-health, immigrant and refugee health and global health.

Indigenous health electives

Electives in Indigenous health that blend Indigenous and western knowledge are available in year four. These electives give you the opportunity to work in urban or rural settings with knowledge keepers, community members, and clinicians, pending availability at elective sites. You may also go off-site to assist in clinical care in surrounding First Nations communities.

Certificate in Global Health

We offer this unique interprofessional program that combines academic courses with intense urban-based service learning experiences in urban underserved community clinics, as well as rural, remote and Indigenous communities in northern Saskatchewan and international communities. Rich in interactive, experiential, and didactic learning opportunities, this was the first undergraduate certificate in global health in Canada.

Student groups

Our college has an exceptionally active student body with leadership from the Student Medical Society of Saskatchewan (SMSS). Some examples of other diverse student groups include: Indigenous Medical Student Association of Saskatchewan, Black Medical Student Association, Medical Education Student Group. In addition, our Pre-Med Club helps students prepare for all aspects of medical school applications.

Indigenous Students

The College of Medicine is committed to increasing the number of Indigenous physicians in Canada and has developed programs and initiatives to encourage and support Indigenous students, including a mentorship program and through our Pathway Support for Indigenous Students to Pursue Medicine awards.


Residency and career options

After medical school, graduates enter into a residency program. The College of Medicine offers residency programs in primary or specialty care areas. Residency training varies from three years for certification by the College of Family Physicians of Canada to four to six years for certification by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Tuition estimates

Tuition and fees per year

Tuition $21,056
Student fees $1,121
Total $22,177

Tuition estimates reflect a typical amount you could expect to pay per year (2024-2025 rates).
Student fees are used to fund specific student benefits, including health, vision and dental coverage, a bus pass, recreational programs and fitness centre access.

Additional estimates of fees and expenses

Additional Fees or expenses Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Student Medical Society Fees 500.00 - - -
College of Physicians & Surgeons Fees 20.00 - - -
First Aid/BLS Certification 135.00 85.00 - -
Two Step Immunization Test - - - -
MCCQE Part I - - - 1,470.00
CARMs Fee (including travel) - - - 353.00
Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Check Fee 75.00 - - -
Books# 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00
Electives - - 1,200.00 8,300.00
Travel/Rotations Outside of Home Site+ 500.00 - 1,500.00 3,000.00

NOTE: Housing and living expenses are not included in this table.
#Amount is variable depending on the usage of EBooks, library loans, on-line subscriptions, used books, and purchased textbooks.
+Travel expenses are variable and will depend on, for example, the clinical experiences chosen, student interest group involvement, conference attendance and personal travel.

Preparing for Medicine

High school requirements

There are no specific high school requirements for the Medicine program. However, as a four-year bachelor's degree (any subject area) is required to apply for admission to Medicine, students should consider their degree interests and research the high school prerequisite requirements for the degree to ensure they have taken the required high school courses to complete the university-level courses.

University requirements

  • Read through the admission information below to see what is needed to be considered for admission.
  • Beginning in the 2024 application cycle, applicants must have an Indigenous studies prerequisite. At the time of application, applicants will be expected to have a plan in place for completion of the Indigenous studies prerequisite. Applicants will be required to enter the course information (institution, course number, course name, start date and completion date) on their application. As the successful completion of an approved course will be a condition of any offer of admission, applicants must have successfully completed the approved course by April 30, 2025. If the condition is not met, the offer of admission will be revoked.

    For a course to be considered towards meeting this requirement, the course must be listed on our approved list of courses. It is imperative that applicants review the list of approved courses to ensure that they have met the requirement. Note: As courses are reviewed and approved, they will be added to this list.

    If an applicant has completed already or has plans to take a course that is not on the list, they need to email med.admissions@usask.ca clearly outlining course details (institution, course number, course description, start date, and a link to the course syllabus) prior to the application deadline to ensure approval of the course.

    For applicants that have completed their undergraduate degree and are enrolled in a graduate program or are not attending a post-secondary institution, a certificate of successful completion from the Indigenous Canada course offered by the University of Alberta OR Building an Awareness of Cultural Humility course offered by the University of Saskatchewan will meet the prerequisite requirement for the 2024 application cycle. Please note that the above-mentioned courses may have limited start dates and a formal certificate confirming successful completion will be required.

Join a Pre-Med Club

The Pre-Med Club helps students prepare for all aspects of medical school applications. They offer a range of preparatory and informative sessions such as mock MCATs, MCAT info sessions, Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) prep groups, a mock MMI, a medical school applications crash course, a volunteer opportunities info session and much more.

  • Saskatoon:  Join the Pre-Med Club by email or via Facebook, U of S Pre Med Club.
  • Regina: Contact them by email or via Facebook, University of Regina Pre-Medicine Club.

Who should apply?

As the only medical school in Saskatchewan, the College of Medicine exists primarily to serve the population of the province. As such, the vast majority of our seats are reserved for students with a strong connection to the province. For a detailed breakdown of admitted applicants, please review our most recent admissions statistics document. Our school values diversity and we strive to have an incoming MD class that reflects the diversity of our province.

Our Indigenous Admissions Pathway (IAP) is designed to support self-declared First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students from all over Canada to gain admission to Medicine. Our Diversity and Social Accountability Admissions Program provides applicants who have experienced a challenging socio-economic background an opportunity to enter the College.

Learn all necessary applicant information below.


The Diversity and Social Accountability Admissions Program (DSAAP) considers socioeconomic and other systemic barriers to achieve admission to medical school and takes these factors into account. At the time of application, applicants have the opportunity to fill out a completely confidential and voluntary questionnaire that will assess these barriers. Seven seats will be allocated to the DSAAP, which will be informed by the completed questionnaire.

Indigenous Admissions Pathway

The College of Medicine Admissions Office is committed to actively recruiting and supporting Indigenous students into medicine through the Indigenous Admissions Pathway. Diversity and equity strengthen the profession of medicine and the quality of care of patients and improves health outcomes.

Having a strong Indigenous voice in the College of Medicine and future physician work force of this province is very important as we build truth, reconciliation and relationship with Indigenous patients, families and communities. Twenty seats in the MD degree program each year are specifically designated for Métis, Inuit and First Nations people.

The program helps to navigate the pathways and resources available to Indigenous students as they train to become physicians.

Admission information

The admission information below provides a cursory review. Please ensure you've read the entire Applicant Information Document prior to applying. The document contains the official admission policies.

1. Residency and citizenship

You must be a Canadian citizen or have Permanent Resident status by the application deadline of October 1. Additionally, you must have lived in Canada for at least three years of your life prior to August 1 of the year in which admission is being sought. Please note, if your Permanent Resident card expires between the application deadline and August 1 of the year of admission, admission to the College will be conditional upon receipt of an updated valid Permanent Resident card.

2. Application requirements

Computer-based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics (Casper)

All applicants are required to complete Casper as part of their application for the 2024/25 admissions cycle. To complete this assessment visit https://my.acuityinsights.app/signup to create an account and register to complete the following assessments:

Casper is an online situational judgement test that assesses for numerous personal and professional characteristics and it will compliment other tools that we use. You can learn more about the Casper test at acuityinsights.app or by reviewing the Applicant Information Document.

Casper is an open-response situational judgment test that takes around 90-110 minutes to complete online.

To view available Casper test times, please visit acuityinsights.app for a list of accepted test dates and requirements for our program. The last Casper test date that will be considered for this application cycle is September 12, 2024.

You will need to create an account and sign up for the Casper 2 (CSP-10211) version of Casper.

Applicants must make sure to select the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine for distribution before the Distribution Deadline of October 1, 2024. Casper scores distributed to the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine after October 1 will not be considered.

No other assessment tool offered by Acuity Insights are required for application to our program for the current cycle. When creating your account, ensure that you have selected "Duet is not required to apply to our program".

Casper test results are only valid for the admissions cycle in which the test is taken. Applicants who have already taken Casper in previous years are required to re-take it to be eligible for subsequent admission cycle(s).

Written personal statements

All applicants are required to submit written personal statements based on question prompts that are provided as a supplemental item once an application is submitted. Applicants may be asked to further speak to their written submission during the application cycle and may be asked to identify a verifier (or verifiers) who can speak to the authenticity of their written submission at any time during the application cycle. For more information regarding the written personal statements, please read the full Applicant Information Document.


You will need to complete the Medical College Admission Test MCAT as outlined below. The last accepted writing of the MCAT for application 2025 (entry 2026) is Aug. 29, 2025 and you must request that all of your MCAT results be released electronically specifically to the University of Saskatchewan, College of Medicine, via the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) MCAT Test Site between Aug. 1, 2025, and Oct. 1, 2025. MCAT results released through the AAMC Test Site after the October 1 deadline will not be considered. MCAT scores released outside of the specified window will not be considered.

To prepare for the MCAT and to ensure readiness for the concepts covered in the first two years of the undergraduate medical curriculum, applicants are strongly encouraged to complete equivalent/similar courses in the following: Introductory level biochemistry, chemistry, biology, physics, statistics, sociology, and psychology.

Registration for the MCAT is online at aamc.org/mcat.

Please note the following MCAT requirements in effect for the upcoming application cycle (2025 application for 2026 admission to the USask MD program):

  • minimum required score will be a total score of 492 with minimum section scores of 123 in all sections, except one section may be 122
  • earliest MCAT writing accepted is Jan. 1, 2021
  • latest MCAT writing accepted is Aug. 29, 2025
  • MCAT scores must be released to the USask College of Medicine between Aug. 1, 2025 and Oct. 1, 2025
  • we will use the best score at one sitting

The last available writing of the MCAT for application in 2025, for entry 2026, is Aug. 29, 2025. An MCAT test taken after Aug. 29, 2025, will not be considered. The earliest accepted scores for application in 2025, for entry in 2026, are from January 2021.

The applicant's best score must be available and entered on the admission application at the time of submission of the application. Registration for the MCAT is online at www.aamc.org/mcat. You must request that all of your MCAT results be released electronically specifically to the University of Saskatchewan, College of Medicine, via the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) MCAT Test Site between Aug. 1, 2025, and Oct. 1, 2025. MCAT results released through the AAMC Test Site outside of the specified window will not be considered. For details regarding available test times, please visit the AAMC website.

The AAMC and the Association of Faculties of Medicine in Canada (AFMC) provide a fee assistance program for Canadian examinees who register to test during the 2025 testing year. Canadian examinees who are eligible and qualify, will receive reduced scheduling, rescheduling, and cancellation rates. Learn more about the MCAT Fee Assistance Program for Canadians at aamc.org.

Four-year bachelor's degree

A four-year bachelor's degree must be completed by April 30 and awarded prior to entry into Medicine. To apply you need to have completed, or be in your last year, of a four-year degree program. Applicants must have a minimum University Academic Average (UAA) of 80% to apply. Applicants in the final year of their degree must also maintain an 80% average in the year of application. Raw scores from both term 1 and term 2 will be used to calculate the average. Please read the full Applicant Information Document for complete details regarding the four-year bachelor's degree requirement and University Academic Average calculation.

3. Personal qualities

Personal qualities are assessed by Casper. Then, if invited to participate, by a Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) tentatively scheduled for Jan. 25/26, 2025 and a panel interview tentatively scheduled for March 22, 2025. Applicants attending the interview phase(s) will then have a follow-up check of their references. Not all candidates will be invited to the interview phase(s).

Multiple Mini Interview

Multiple Mini Interviews are scheduled to take place on Jan. 25/26, 2025. A virtual format will be utilized.

The Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) is a series of short, structured interviews used to assess the personal traits that we are looking for in our applicants to the MD program. Each mini interview involves a brief time period to read a prompt and formulate a response before entering a virtual interview room to provide their response.

At the conclusion of the interview, the applicant moves to the next scenario and the assessor completes the evaluation form. This pattern is repeated through a circuit of multiple stations, with the typical MMI taking approximately 60–120 minutes, depending on the number of stations included.

The MMI gives the Admissions Committee a measure of an applicant's personal traits that cannot be assessed by their academic performance alone. Having future medical practitioners with desirable personal traits is very important to the College of Medicine and for our society as a whole.

Here are some of the strengths of the MMI compared to other measures of personal traits:

  • provides multiple opportunities for a diverse applicant pool to demonstrate their abilities and personal traits
  • dilutes the effects of chance and assessor bias
  • more standardized delivery—all applicants respond to the same questions and assessors all receive the same background information a priori
  • stations can be designed with a great deal of flexibility in order to assess applicants for personal traits desired by the medical school
  • applicants can recover from a challenging station by moving onto a new station with a different assessor

Personal traits and abilities, such as communication skills, maturity, professionalism and an ability to think on their feet will be assessed during all of the MMI stations.

Station scenarios are structured specifically to assess numerous different domains, including:

  • an applicant's non-academic achievements and life experiences
  • ethical and critical decision-making abilities
  • abilities to complete a task and follow directions
  • knowledge of the health-care system and determinants of health in the local or global context
  • commitment to helping others
  • discussions about social accountability and desire and motivations to study and pursue a career in medicine

Background knowledge in basic or clinical sciences is no more useful than knowledge in other disciplines.

The MMI scenarios are designed specifically to generate general discussion and do not have any "correct" answers per se.

Applicants will be asked to respond to a scenario, communicate their understanding of the scenario, discuss the issues raised in the scenario, express personal thoughts and opinions, highlight previous life experiences pertaining to the scenario and defend any ideas they put forward.

To generate further discussion, our assessors may probe deeper by asking additional questions or clarify points that are made. We are interested in a genuine and rich dialogue with the applicant that allows us to get to know them best.

Panel interview

A panel interview process will be conducted following the virtual MMI, with the goal of getting to know our applicants better and to further assess communication and emotional intelligence skills. The performance on the virtual MMI will determine who will be invited to the panel interview. We plan to offer panel interviews in-person; however, a virtual panel interview will also be made available. The conversation circles will be used as the panel interview process for the IAC. Panel interviews/conversation circles are planned for March 22, 2025.

Reference checks

Personal attributes are assessed in part by information from your references. Reference feedback is not scored (i.e., the information provided by references is not used in ranking for admission). You must provide the names of three references who have supervised you in a capacity of either an immediate research supervisor or your immediate supervisor in recent employment/volunteer role.

References are used to verify details of your application and assess personal attributes.

The request for references/recommendations will be sent to the applicant at the time of MMI offers. Ensure your references are aware of and have consented to being contacted by the College of Medicine for a 10 to 15-minute phone call during March or April. The number of references contacted is at the discretion of the Admissions Office.

If within the last five years you have enrolled in or have completed an undergraduate research course and/or a post-graduate program, it is recommended that you use your research supervisor as a reference. Employment or volunteer supervisors should be as recent as possible. Your references cannot be a relative or a friend.

Step-by-step admissions guide

There are a few parts when it comes to applying to medicine. Be sure to go through the following guide to ensure everything has been completed.

  • applicants will be contacted for the next part of the admissions process,
  • applicants may be invited to participate in Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs), and
  • applicants who progress past the MMI will be invited to participate in the panel interview/conversation circle.

Once all of these steps are complete, successful applicants will be sent letters of offer in May/June each year.


The Price of a Dream (POD) program was developed by the National POD Team alongside the AFMC and participating universities to address the personal and systemic financial barriers individuals face when applying to medical school. The $150 application fee and the $75 interview fee associated with a medical school application are waived through the POD program for successful applicants for the upcoming 2024-2025 application cycle to the USask College of Medicine.

The application portal is now closed. Please watch for communications regarding the portal's opening for the 2025/2026 application cycle.

You may start an application, save it, and return to it any time before the application deadline. Once your application has been submitted, you cannot re-open it to make changes.

Once you have filled out and submitted your application and paid your application fee, you will be able to return to your application to upload your supplemental items (such as transcripts, proof of Permanent Residency, etc.). These are entered in the "Supplemental Items & Documents" tab on your application.

Your application will not be considered complete until you upload all necessary supplemental items outstanding, so it is recommended that you do this right away after initially submitting your application. If you are offered admission, you will be asked to have official copies of some documents (such as transcripts) sent. Instructions will be provided in your admission letter.

Log in to your account to check your application status. Once you have logged in, you will see "My application" showing in your account, which will display the status of your application.

If you need to make any other changes to your application that you have already submitted, you need to contact the College of Medicine at med.admissions@usask.ca. If you need to complete or make changes to your application that you started but did not submit, you can log back into your application and complete the changes yourself.

Admissions acceptance

If you have been offered admission to the MD program, there are a couple of steps to complete in order to finalize your acceptance to the College of Medicine. You will be asked to provide the following:

Applicants who are offered admission must pay a non-refundable deposit of 10 per cent of the tuition by the deadline date of the acceptance of the offer.

Candidates who withdraw their admission acceptance after paying the deposit will forfeit the 10 per cent deposit.

For full details on the immunization requirements please view our policy.

You will be required to acknowledge that you have read and understand the Functional Core Competencies (Essential Skills and Attributes) for the Study of Medicine. To view the current College of Medicine Functional Core Competencies, please visit our policy page.

College of Medicine students are required to own a laptop computer and use it for some College of Medicine exams. The laptop computer used for exams must meet the criteria listed under the minimum system requirements with the additional institutional stipulation that it cannot be an iPad, nor a Surface product, nor computer using Windows S versions. Students are required to have the laptop computer set up and maintained to deliver computer-based exams without conflict from other software on the computer and work with Medicine IT to ensure this standard is maintained. Students that currently own a Microsoft Surface product, are required to contact MedIT to address hardware concerns.

All applicants accepting admission will be required to immediately request a criminal record check, including vulnerable sector screening, and submit the official results to the College of Medicine by the first day of orientation of the year of entry. You should familiarize yourself with the Criminal Record Check Policy and Procedures document under the Applicant Information Section. Positive results will be shared, including sharing a copy of the documentation, with: (i) the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan and (ii) other medical and/or educational institutions as required. In the event that you are found to be ineligible for an educational licence from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan, the offer of admission will be revoked.

Admission to the college is conditional upon receipt of proof of Canadian citizenship by the deadline of July 15, 2025. Applicants claiming to be a Canadian citizen on their application must upload, as a single document, one of the following: valid Canadian passport page showing Canadian citizenship; Canadian citizenship card; Canadian citizenship certificate (must be accompanied by a valid government issued photo ID (both sides of all documentation); or a Canadian birth certificate (must be accompanied by a valid government issued photo ID).

Ready to apply?

This program is not currently accepting applications.

College info

The four-year Doctor of Medicine (MD) is offered by the University of Saskatchewan's College of Medicine.

Established first as the School of Medical Sciences in 1926 and later as the College of Medicine in 1953, the College has a full range of academic programming, including the School of Rehabilitation Science and the Division of Biomedical Sciences. The College of Medicine serves the people of Saskatchewan by producing outstanding clinical practitioners, generating new knowledge and facilitating improved patient outcomes.



Admissions College of Medicine
Box 17, Health Sciences Building
University of Saskatchewan 
107 Wiggins Road, Saskatoon
SK, S7N 5E5