Find out how to become a registered nurse at USask!

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Are you a parent looking for information about preparing your child for a future in nursing?


Nursing is for compassionate people who want to make a difference in the world. You are invited to be a part of shaping the future of health in Saskatchewan and beyond.

Quick facts
  • Four-year degree
  • Full-time program with part-time options
  • You cannot begin this program directly from high school
  • You can complete this program at campuses and sites across Saskatchewan

In addition to the four-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program, USask also offers a Post-degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing option for students who already have a bachelor's degree or have completed 90 credit units of recognized post-secondary study towards a degree. The post-degree option recognizes previous university achievements and provides the opportunity for students to earn a full BSN degree in two years.

There are different admission requirements and application procedures for the post-degree program. 

What you will learn

In USask's Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program, you will learn all aspects of health and well-being across a person’s life span as you study nursing, health and the health-care system through the creation and integration of knowledge from research, education and practice. The nurse of the twenty-first century uses advanced technology to provide nursing care to individuals, families, groups and communities.

Why study here?

At USask, your path to becoming a registered nurse is supported every step of the way through innovative teaching methods, a strong community of support and many opportunities for personal and professional development.

Clinical experience

Nursing requires clinical experience. Our program includes access to clinical practice opportunities in hospitals and community agencies with exceptional nurses committed to quality patient care. Clinical practice gives you experience, empowering you to make a difference in the future of health care.

Interprofessional education

You will have many opportunities to interact with students and faculty from a wide variety of disciplines, such as clinical psychology, dentistry, kinesiology, medicine, nutrition, pharmacy, rehabilitation science, sociology and veterinary medicine. Build relationships with individuals who will be working in other health science professions when you become a Registered Nurse.

Indigenous students

To help Indigenous nursing students become successful nurses, the University of Saskatchewan Community of Indigenous Nursing (UCIN) will help you learn about careers in the field of health and find support and advising while you complete your BSN. The UCIN nursing advisor in Prince Albert works with students at all sites to build community and provide advisement and support. Although UCIN primarily supports Indigenous students through their nursing education, support is extended to all nursing students when needed.

The College of Nursing designates 16.6% of seats for Indigenous candidates who meet the minimum entrance requirements.

CASN accreditation and CRNS approval

The College of Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing program is a fully accredited program through the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) and has received a full seven year program approval from the College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan (CRNS) in September 2023.

Learn where you live

The College of Nursing is committed to a "learn where you live" philosophy.

Take your entire Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at campuses in Prince Albert and Saskatoon or through distributed learning (video and web conferencing, lecture capture) at sites in Île-à-la-Crosse, La Ronge, Lloydminster, Yorkton, North Battleford, Muenster, and Swift Current and Weyburn (both coming September 2025).

The Government of Saskatchewan Student Loan Forgiveness program has been expanded to include additional Saskatchewan communities. Not only can students now learn where they live, but also upon becoming licensed, College of Nursing graduates in Île-à-la-Crosse, La Ronge, Lloydminster, Muenster, North Battleford, Prince Albert, Swift Current, Weyburn and Yorkton who practice in these communities are eligible to receive up to $20,000 of Saskatchewan student loan debt forgiveness.

College of Nursing campuses and sites

Located within the beautiful and historic University of Saskatchewan campus, the College of Nursing offers a variety of both undergraduate and graduate nursing programs in Saskatoon. The state-of-the-art Health Science building provides an outstanding environment for interprofessional collaboration. Faculty, staff and students are directly connected to Royal University Hospital and have access to many on-campus amenities, such as the Physical Activity Complex, residence and the Health Science library.

Nestled in the heart of downtown Prince Albert, the College of Nursing offers a variety of programs from the University of Saskatchewan Prince Albert Campus, which serves as a hub for local and remote programming in northern Saskatchewan. Nursing students at the Prince Albert Campus enjoy smaller class sizes and more time with faculty.

The College of Nursing uses a distributed learning approach to deliver our undergraduate program in Île-à-la-Crosse, La Ronge, Lloydminster, Yorkton, North Battleford, Muenster, and Swift Current and Weyburn (both coming September 2025), allowing you to learn where you live. The college believes the pursuit of post-secondary education should not be disadvantaged by geography and as such, we use innovative technology to deliver our program in these locations.

New distributed sites announced

Expanding Nursing Education in Southeast Saskatchewan

USask partners with Southeast College to deliver nursing program in Weyburn.

USask and Great Plains College announce Bachelor of Science in Nursing program in Swift Current

The University of Saskatchewan (USask) and Great Plains College are proud to announce a partnership that will bring the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) undergraduate degree program to the Swift Current Campus in fall 2025.

USask Brings “Learn Where You Live” to St. Peter’s College

USask Nursing and St. Peter’s College partner to deliver undergraduate nursing education in Muenster.


Nursing is the largest health care profession in the world. Nurses work with their minds, hands and hearts, while using advanced technology to provide health care services to individuals, families, groups and communities.

To become a Registered Nurse (RN), the following are required:

  • a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree (the outcome of our program)
  • clinical practice (included in our program)
  • successful completion of the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN)
  • registration with a provincial regulatory body (College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan (CRNS)) in Saskatchewan

Learn more about hourly wages for RNs in Saskatchewan.

Nurses practice within a diverse range of positions and settings anywhere within Canada and around the globe and can choose from a variety of rewarding careers, including:

  • Government - development of health-care policy
  • International health agencies - clinical and non-clinical opportunities with agencies, such as UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO)
  • Military service - nursing officers
  • Clinical practice
    • Hospitals – medical, surgical, pediatrics, obstetrics, etc.
    • Community – public health, schools, addictions, shelter agencies, etc.
    • Long-term care – secure environments, care homes, rehabilitation residences, etc.
    • Nurse educator
    • Administration
    • Non-profit sector
    • Forensics
    • Air ambulance
    • Occupational health
    • Northern nursing
    • Rural and remote communities
    • International settings (Graduates interested in seeking employment in another province or country should expect a turn-around time of 4-6 weeks to complete the necessary documentation required to verify their education.)

More careers are available with experience and advanced education:

  • Administrator (Management)
  • Counselor/Therapist
  • Educator
  • Researcher
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Private practice

Tuition estimates

Canadian students International students
Tuition $9,437 $45,676
Student fees $1,266 $1,266
Books/Course materials $1,500 $1,500
Total $12,203 $48,442

Tuition will vary depending on the type and number of classes you take in a year. This estimate reflects a typical amount you could expect to pay in your Year 2 if you enroll in a full course load, the maximum number of courses allowed (2024-2025 Canadian dollar rates). Note that this program (and the estimate above) includes classes in the Spring term.
Student fees are used to fund specific student benefits, including health, vision and dental coverage, a bus pass, recreational programs and fitness centre access.
The cost of books, course materials and supplies varies widely across the different years of the program. It is recommended that you budget between $1,500-$2,500 per year.

Program details

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is a four-year program that includes a pre-professional year (Year 1) of prerequisite university-level courses, followed by three years (Year 2, 3 and 4) of concentrated nursing education and clinical practice opportunities. 

Year 1 - Pre-professional year

The pre-professional year of study at a post-secondary level provides a solid foundation in university education, preparation for upper-year nursing classes and transferable credits to other health science degrees.

You may complete your pre-professional year at USask, University of Regina, Northlands College, Lakeland College, Suncrest College, North West College, or various regional colleges in Saskatchewan.

At USask, you should apply to the University of Saskatchewan's College of Arts and Science to complete the 30 credit units of pre-professional courses required for year 1 of the degree program. When applying to USask College of Arts and Science, select the "Nursing Prep" pathway on the application for admission to declare your intention to enrol in the pre-professional year. If, after you complete your pre-professional year, you decide you do not want to pursue nursing, you can remain in the College of Arts and Science and continue to work toward another program of study. If you’re interested in taking your pre-professional year at one of the other institutions, you should apply directly to that institution.

USask College of Arts and Science Learning Communities bring Saskatoon students together in popular first-year courses and weekly gatherings with upper-year peer mentors, while providing academic and social programming building confidence, knowledge, and skills.

  • Indigenous Student Achievement Pathways (ISAP) welcomes First Nations, Inuit, and Métis students and for those interested specifically in nursing, the ISAP Medicine Wheel's pre-nursing option can help students complete the nursing pre-professional year requirements. Sign-up for ISAP LCs for the upcoming fall term typically opens in April.
  • First Year Learning Experience (FLEX) is open to all Arts and Science first-year students, and offers nursing learning communities focused on the pre-professional requirements. Sign-up for FLEX LCs for the upcoming fall term typically opens in May.

All students interested in pursuing nursing for years 2, 3 and 4 at one of the College of Nursing sites must apply for admission to the College of Nursing during the first year of study. Pre-professional courses must be completed by April 30 if you wish to start year 2 of nursing in September.

Required pre-professional year courses:

See detailed course requirements for the 30 credit units of pre-professional year courses that are required for admission to the second year of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. These course requirements are for the September 2024 intake and onward.

You may complete your pre-professional courses at another institution, but please note that NURS 120.3 must be from the University of Saskatchewan. You may take this class online as a visiting student.

To enroll in courses required in the pre-professional year, students must have successfully completed high school with credit in the following courses:

  • Biology 30
  • Chemistry 30 (recommended) and
  • Foundations of Math 30; or Pre-Calculus 30 or Math B30 or Math C30 (recommended)

The pre-professional year courses can be obtained at a variety of institutions and locations throughout Saskatchewan. 

University of Saskatchewan

The pre-professional year courses at the University of Saskatchewan are completed through the College of Arts and Science. They can be completed at both the Saskatoon and Prince Albert Campus.

Other Saskatchewan locations

Besides the University of Saskatchewan, the pre-professional year can also be completed through a variety of institutions, including select regional colleges throughout the province:

Contact these institutions directly if you are interested in applying.

Other institutions

Students may also complete their pre-professional year course requirements in another province or country, as long as the courses transfer to the University of Saskatchewan to meet course requirements.

Years 2, 3 and 4

Once the pre-professional year is completed and students are accepted into the College of Nursing, during years two through four, students develop critical thinking skills to prepare them to meet the diverse competencies required when becoming a Registered Nurse (RN).

View a sample schedule of how courses are organized within years two through four in the College of Nursing. Once you have accepted your offer from the Admissions Department and they have changed your college to Nursing, you will then be able to register in Nursing classes. Please note these tips for class registration success:

  • clear your browsing history cache (search how to do this for your particular browser)
  • restart your device
  • narrow your search by selecting your particular campus
  • when selecting a class see if there is a "required link" for a lab or seminar and if so, choose one
  • select all the classes and labs/seminars for the semester prior to clicking submit for registration. All the classes in a semester are co-requisites of each other and need to be submitted at the same time
  • all clinical rotation classes have a "lab" component so you should have two CRNs for NURS 206, 221, 308, 331, 333, 431 & 450
  • if you can't find a class for your campus, don't put a campus in; the class may be an online province-wide class and not be tied to a particular campus
  • you may see other class offerings that you cannot register for: those are for our other program, the Post Degree in Nursing program. These class offerings are not open to BSN program students
Part-time study

Part-time study in the BSN program is an option; however, all courses must be completed within six years of entering the College of Nursing.

Students may complete Years 2, 3 and 4 at campuses in Prince Albert and Saskatoon or through distributed learning (video and web conferencing, lecture capture) at sites in Île-à-la-Crosse, La Ronge, Lloydminster, Yorkton, Muenster and North Battleford, and Swift Current and Weyburn (both coming September 2025).

Admission requirements

Admission to Years 2-4 of the College of Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program is competitive and based on completion of academic and non-academic requirements to be eligible for admission. Applicants are ranked according to admission score and the top candidates are selected. Enrolment in the program is limited to the number that can be accommodated in class and clinical practice.

Completion of pre-professional year (60% weighting)

Pre-professional courses must be completed by April 30 if you wish to start year 2 of nursing in September.

Required minimum average

A minimum average of 60% in the pre-professional classes is required to be eligible for consideration for admission. However, because admission is based on a competitive ranking, the competitive admission average may be higher depending on the averages of applicants being considered.

If your average is not high enough or if you are not admitted to the program, you can take other courses to raise your average or repeat courses, then reapply the following year. If you repeat a course, the highest mark will be used to calculate your average. Please consult with an academic advisor on how to improve your average.

Early Admission - Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program

A total of 150 early admission seats are available across Saskatchewan*.

The same admission requirements and selection criteria apply for early admission as for regular admission.

Applicants must have completed at least five of the ten required pre-professional classes to be considered for early admission. Any five of the ten required classes can be considered. If more than five pre-professional classes are complete by December, then the five classes with the highest grades will be used to calculate the academic average for early admission.

Students must complete the final five pre-professional classes to ensure all requirements are met. An early admission offer will be revoked if a sufficient average is not maintained for the remaining courses (minimum 60% across 10 courses per approved admission guidelines) and/or if pre-professional classes are not completed. A deficiency may be allowed per the regular admission process.

If an applicant has not met the requirements to be considered for early admission by the early admission deadlines (application deadline: December 15, 2024; document deadline, including Casper: January 15, 2025) or does not rank high enough to be offered an early admission seat at their first-choice site, then the applicant will be considered for regular admission, including second-choice site selection, later in the year without having to reapply.

*Note: The Lloydminster distributed nursing site at Lakeland College will be exempt from the BSN early admission pilot in 2024/25, due to complications related to the configuration and sequencing of the pre-professional courses at Lakeland College. Prospective nursing students applying to Lloydminster will be considered under the regular admission processes this year to ensure equity among the "Learn Where You Live" Lakeland College students.

Students may be considered for admission into the College of Nursing with a deficiency in ONE of the following pre-professional year courses:

  • INDG 107 or HIST 195
  • NUTR 120
  • STAT 242, 244, 245, 246 or PLSC 214 (formerly PLSC 314), COMM 104, PSY 233, SOC 225 or GE 210
  • SOC 112
  • NURS 120
  • Social Science restricted elective

We recommend students complete all required pre-professional year courses by April 30; however, students will be considered for admission with a deficiency.

A deficiency in the application to the BSN is defined by the College of Nursing as a pre-professional year course not completed by April 30 of the admission year. When the admission average is calculated, 50% will be used as the grade for the deficient class. This deficiency must be completed by the end of December of the year you are admitted but we recommend all deficiencies are completed in the spring and summer terms before beginning the nursing program. Proof of completion must be received by January 31 or you will be required to discontinue studies.

The situational judgement test (40% weighting)

The College of Nursing requires applicants to complete an online situational judgement test. This test, called Casper (Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics) assesses non-academic attributes and inter-personal skills essential for success in nursing.

The situational judgement test involves a series of video-or text-based scenarios and asks test-takers what they would do and why they would do it. The test assesses for communication, collaboration, equity, professionalism, problem solving, empathy, motivation and ethics. There are no wrong answers.

To take the test, applicants must create an account and reserve a test date. Government-issued photo identification is required. You do not need to complete "Snapshot".

The Casper test must be completed by applicants in the year for which they are applying. Applicants who do not complete the test by the document deadline (early admission: January 15, 2025; regular admission: June 1, 2025) will be ineligible for admission consideration. Please check the Casper website carefully for available test times.

English language proficiency *

The language of instruction at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) College of Nursing is English. A high level understanding and functionality in English is essential for safe client care in health professions in Saskatchewan.

For students to understand, communicate and be successful in programs at the university, an acceptable level of academic English is required. You may be asked to provide proof of English proficiency.

If you have been asked to provide proof of your English proficiency, you can do so in the following ways:

  1. Completion of high school and post-secondary studies in English
    At least 3 years of full-time study in an approved English-medium secondary program including Grades 10, 11 and 12,1


    at least 24 CU of the prerequisite nursing courses must be from a recognized post-secondary institution where English* is the official language of instruction and examination.1

    * The post-secondary institution must declare English to be the only language of instruction and examination throughout the institution, not just in select departments.

    1 If secondary or post-secondary study occurred more than five years ago, additional proof of English proficiency may be required.

    The following English Language Curriculums would be considered acceptable at the high school level:

    • Canadian English-medium schools
    • Overseas schools offering a Canadian education system curriculum in English
    • US regionally-accredited English medium schools
    • International Baccalaureate Programme
    • India - IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) and CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) only
    • GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) O (Ordinary) Level & GCE (General Certificate of Education) A (Advanced) Levels
    • NZQA (New Zealand Qualifications Authority)
    • Australian State Curriculums
    • CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations)
    • SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority)
    • NQAI (National Qualifications Authority of Ireland)
    • WBQ (Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification)

    Students who have not followed one of these secondary level curriculums, will be required to provide another form of proof of English proficiency. This list will be updated annually as required.

  2. Completion of an accepted standardized test

    English proficiency test Minimum score required for College of Nursing
    TOEFL iBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language) 90
    Reading 20
    Listening 22
    Speaking 26
    Writing 20
    IELTS (International English Language Testing System) 7
    Reading 6
    Listening 6
    Speaking 7
    Writing 6
    CAEL (Canadian Academic English Language Assessment) 70
    Reading 60
    Listening 60
    Speaking 70
    Writing 60

Categories of applicants

  • Applicants are admitted on the basis of the required post-secondary course work and the results of their Casper exam.
  • Applications are accepted from residents of all Canadian provinces and territories and international countries. Canadian or international residency status is not considered in the application process.

The University of Saskatchewan (USask) is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion, and proud to support academic opportunities for Indigenous students. We continue to grow our partnerships with Indigenous communities across the province, nationally and internationally and value the unique perspective that Indigenous students provide to strengthen these relationships. Verification of Indigenous membership/citizenship at USask is led and determined by the deybwewin | taapwaywin | tapewin: Indigenous Truth policy and Standing Committee in accordance with the processes developed to enact the policy.

16.6% of seats in this program are designated for Indigenous candidates who verified Indigenous membership/citizenship and verification of Indigenous membership/citizenship with documentation is required if you wish to be considered for one of these seats.

Candidates under consideration for these seats will be evaluated according to either:

  • the standard selection criteria: academic record (60% weighting) and situational judgement test score (40% weighting)
  • academic record (100% weighting).

Please visit the Indigenous Membership/Citizenship Verification channel in PAWS and proceed through the verification system.

You can learn more about learn more about deybwewin | taapwaywin | tapwewin at If you have any questions or require additional information about deybwewin | taapwaywin | tapwewin please contact:

The University of Saskatchewan provides services and/or accommodations for students with disabilities. All students with disabilities are encouraged to register with Access and Equity Services (AES). Access to most services and programs provided by AES is restricted to students who have registered with the office. If you have a disability you must contact AES.

International students are welcomed. Applicants who self-identify on the application form as being ESL (English as a Second Language) or EAL (English as an Additional Language) are required to provide proof of English proficiency to determine admission to the program.

If you are a Registered Nurse from outside of Canada, you must first apply for assessment through the National Nursing Assessment Service. If you are denied credentialing, then you may apply to study at the College of Nursing.

PN and LPN applicants will be given recognition for prior learning. Applicants who are graduates of the revised Saskatchewan Polytechnic Practical Nursing (PN) Program (first graduates in 2008) and are currently a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or eligible for licensure in Saskatchewan will receive up to 27 transfer credit units towards the four-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.

For more information on the transfer credits available, please review the Fact Sheet for Practical Nurses or Licensed Practical Nurses.

Please contact an undergraduate nursing advisor to discuss credit transfers.

Students who have previously received a faculty action (required to discontinue, or RTD, required to withdraw, advised to discontinue, or academic probation) are required to submit a letter to the Admissions Office by the document deadline, June 1. The letter should explain the reason(s) for the faculty action and outline any strategies and supports implemented to promote future success in the Nursing program, if admitted to the College of Nursing. This letter will be reviewed by the Associate or Assistant Dean.  

Note: Students are not considered for application if they are currently in their RTD period.

Like standard applicants, transfer applicants are admitted on the basis of post-secondary work and a test of situational judgement and must meet the same admission criteria.

Any transfer credit given for prior nursing courses will be determined by the College of Nursing.

Ready to apply?

Pre-professional year (Year 1)

If you are interested in taking year 1 at USask, you should apply to the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Arts and Science to complete the 30 credit units of pre-professional courses required for year 1 (see above) of the degree program. View admission requirements and deadlines for the College of Arts and Science. You may complete your pre-professional year at the University of Saskatchewan, University of Regina or various regional colleges in Saskatchewan. View the many locations listed above where you can complete year 1.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Years 2-4)

Important dates
Applications open: Sept. 20, 2024

Deadline to apply for early admission: December 15, 2024
Documents deadline: January 15, 2025

Deadline to apply for regular admission: March 31, 2025
Documents deadline: June 1, 2025

All students interested in pursuing nursing for years 2, 3 and 4 at the Saskatoon or Prince Albert campus, or at one of our USask nursing sites in Île-à-la-Crosse, La Ronge, Lloydminster, Yorkton, North Battleford, Muenster, or Swift Current and Weyburn (both coming September 2025), must apply for admission to the College of Nursing during the first year of study.

The College of Nursing offers both early and regular admission for the fall term intake. Applying for early admission gives students an opportunity to receive an admission decision and make arrangements, such as securing housing, earlier in the year. A total of 150 early admission seats are available across Saskatchewan. The same eligibility and selection criteria are used to consider students for both early and regular admission to the BSN program. Seats are competitive, and students must apply to USask College of Nursing by no later than the posted deadlines.

Submitting required documents

Submission address: Recruitment, Admissions and Transfer Credit

Document deadline - Once you've completed an online application, you will need to submit the following documents no later than January 15 to be considered for early admission and by June 1 for regular admission:

Transcripts from all post-secondary institutions (regardless of whether or not they pertain to nursing), must be mailed directly from the institution to Recruitment, Admissions and Transfer Credit. Please note the applicant cannot submit the transcript(s).

  • Send official transcripts for all course work completed from each post-secondary institution (other than USask) you have attended.
  • Submit an unofficial transcript or proof of registration for courses being taken between September and April of the year of your desired entrance date. A final transcript must be sent when all courses are complete.

If you are required to provide proof of English proficiency, it is your responsibility to have completed a relevant test with the appropriate score before the application deadline. View specific requirements above.

The University of Saskatchewan (USask) is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion, and proud to support academic opportunities for Indigenous students. We continue to grow our partnerships with Indigenous communities across the province, nationally and internationally and value the unique perspective that Indigenous students provide to strengthen these relationships. Verification of Indigenous membership/citizenship at USask is led and determined by the deybwewin | taapwaywin | tapewin: Indigenous Truth policy and Standing Committee in accordance with the processes developed to enact the policy.

16.6% of seats in this program are designated for Indigenous candidates who verified Indigenous membership/citizenship and verification of Indigenous membership/citizenship with documentation is required if you wish to be considered for one of these seats.

Candidates under consideration for these seats will be evaluated according to either:

  • the standard selection criteria: academic record (60% weighting) and situational judgement test score (40% weighting)
  • academic record (100% weighting).

Please visit the Indigenous Membership/Citizenship Verification channel in PAWS and proceed through the verification system.

You can learn more about learn more about deybwewin | taapwaywin | tapwewin at If you have any questions or require additional information about deybwewin | taapwaywin | tapwewin please contact:

The University of Saskatchewan provides services and/or accommodations for students with disabilities. All students with disabilities are encouraged to register with Access and Equity Services (AES). Access to most services and programs provided by AES is restricted to students who have registered with the office. If you have a disability you must contact AES. Learn more about the College of Nursing Access and Equity Services policy here.

Applicants who attended a nursing program in Canada and who have completed a minimum of six credit units or equivalent of nursing classes in Canada are required to submit the completed Program Reference Form. The program reference form will be used to access the applicant's suitability for admission, based on the applicant's academic standing and previous performance in a nursing program. If you previously attended the College of Nursing at the University of Saskatchewan please email your form to

Learn more about additional program requirements including health and safety, uniforms and supplies.


Create an admissions account and start your application today. When you are ready to submit your application, you will be assessed a non-refundable application fee of $90 CAD.

The application fee is waived for current and returning University of Saskatchewan students.

College info

Nursing students in clinical setting

Established in 1938, the College of Nursing offers both undergraduate and graduate programming. The College of Nursing has campuses in Saskatoon and Prince Albert and uses distributed learning (e.g., video and web conferencing, lecture capture) to deliver its BSN program to students in La Ronge, Île-à-la-Crosse, Lloydminster, Yorkton, North Battleford, Muenster, and Swift Current and Weyburn (both coming September 2025). All College of Nursing graduate programs are available distributively, meaning students can complete them from anywhere.

The College of Nursing has a long history of Indigenous student success and is recognized as having the highest number of Indigenous nursing students in the country.


Phone: 306-966-6221 
Toll-free: 1-844-966-6269

College of Nursing, University of Saskatchewan
Health Science Building – 1A10, Box 6
107 Wiggins Road
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E5

Related programs

If you are looking for graduate-level programs (master's and PhDs,) please consult our graduate students' website.