This list is not comprehensive but can be used as a guide to transfer credit that we have recently offered past students who attended this institution.

Course equivalents

University of Oldenburg - Carl Von Ossietzsky Universitat Oldenburg courseUSask course
Advanced German Grammar and Tutorial + Advanced German IIGERM 215.3
Advanced Spanish 3 + Advanced Spanish 4SPAN 215.3
Current Issues in British PoliticsPOLS 240.3
Current US Political IssuesPOLS 242.3
Germany: One Nation, Two SocietiesPOLS 240.3
Tutor and Stuart BritainHIST 242.3

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The information contained on this page may change at any time without notice. Transfer credit is at the discretion of the receiving institution. A course equivalence does not mean an automatic credit. Some of the reasons why credit may not be granted by an institution are:

  • A course may not fit a program.
  • Some institutions require a minimum number of courses to be completed at that institution (residence).
  • Some academic units require a minimum grade in order to grant credit.
  • Some academic units will not credit courses taken more than 5 (or 8, or 10) years previously.

Students who are already working towards a degree program and who want to take courses from another institution must request a letter of permission from their home institution to ensure they receive credit.

This listing is not comprehensive.